YT Thumbnail Downloader l Thumbnail

 YT Thumbnail Downloader Information

YT (You Thumbnail) YouTube thumbnail downloader allows you to quickly and easily download YouTube thumbnails. It's an online tool, so you don't need to install any apps and anyone can use it for free.

What is a YouTube thumbnail?

YouTube thumbnails are video cover images that provide video previews. There are two types of YouTube previews that are automatically generated by YouTube and uploaded by creators. The thumbnails uploaded by the creators are also called custom thumbnails. Regardless of the thumbnail type, the URL is hidden, YouTube can't find the thumbnail link and can't save it.

How many thumbnails are there in a YouTube video?

YouTube videos can have up to 9 thumbnails, but not all videos have 9 thumbnails. There are 7 thumbnails that exist.

  • Player wallpaper 480x360
  • Starting 120x90
  • Medium 120x90
  • End 120x90
  • High quality 480x360
  • Medium quality 320x180
  • Normal quality 120x90

Also, if the video is of high definition, there are two different sized thumbnails.

  • Standard definition 640x480
  • Max resolution 1920x1080

However, the most commonly used sizes are high quality, medium quality and full size. So, YT Youtube thumbnail downloader only offers downloads in these three sizes. If you need other sizes, we will tell you how to get them later.

Why you should download thumbnails

YouTube video thumbnails are one of the video's most important metadata, and careful creators carefully design their video covers. As a result, most video covers on YouTube are fun or original. Many people want to download and save. It is usually based on the following purposes:

  1. Save the YouTube thumbnail as wallpaper.
  2. Share your thumbnails on your blog or social media.
  3. Download video thumbnails as a source of inspiration for your video cover.

Why do I need a thumbnail downloader?

As I said earlier, it is difficult to save the video cover because the Youtube thumbnail image link is not visible. Some tools can import thumbnails, but no one is as simple as the Youtube thumbnail downloader.

Where can I get links to YouTube videos?

Due to the thumbnail downloader download via video link, you need to find the video link before downloading. Open the video you want to download in your browser or Youtube APP, click the share button under the video, the Youtube video link is in the pop-up interface.

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